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Harvest Cast

Jan 26, 2021

Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman

Tension and the Storm: We all face storms of different shapes, sizes, and calibers during our lives. Some are more intense than others; some are more apparent. For this sermon we will be looking at how we can be the church in the midst of these storms.

Key Point: Be a stamp. Stick to it...

Jan 22, 2021

| Hosted By Alyssa Thoms |
Alyssa sits down to have a casual discussion with Steve Hays from Happy Life Studios.  They talk about how they know each other and the vision behind The Secretary podcast.


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Jan 18, 2021

Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman

Tension and the Kingdom: From the start, God intended the kingdom to be Adam, but Adam turned that kingdom to satan. Through all this, God desires to restore that kingdom back to who it was created for–back to man.

Based on Luke 12 (centrally verse 30) Jesus tells us that through all the...

Jan 12, 2021

Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman

We hear all the time "DO NOT WORRY". But how simple is it? With the last couple years throwing curveballs, it is hard not to sit in front of the TV and chew down your nails a little. But can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Today we learn about dealing with the tension of...

Jan 4, 2021

Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman

Based on Luke 12 (centrally verse 30) Jesus tells us that through all the things that will pass in this world (events, finances, etc.) we are to first focus on the kingdom of Heaven in all things. Let this be a filter on how you live your life no matter what it throws your way.

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