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Harvest Cast

Oct 26, 2021

| Sermon by Pastor Kyle Ruud |

Is loving the sinner and hate the sin real? Today's culture will tell us that you are hating people when we hate their sin. We are required to endorse actions that we find objectionable, but there is a solution to this dilemma. There is a way to love people for who God made them and, at...

Oct 20, 2021

| Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman |

This is a tough one. Sometimes we have loved ones that haven't encountered God, or perhaps they've fallen away. We pray for them to have those super-natural encounters–that God will speak to them and bring them to the Truth. We cannot do it, it must be God. Have a prodigal you want us...

Oct 11, 2021

| Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman |

We were far from God, and He has brought us back. He is making us into a kingdom. Truth is not some philosophical, out-of-reach, speculative thing, it is a story. If we acknowledge where we are in the story then we will know truth.

Intolerance is defined as opposing anyone's views that...

Oct 5, 2021

| Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman |

Jesus is an amazing person to know. His characteristics can we found throughout the Bible. We are called not to line up to our own opinions, but instead conform our lives to fit the ultimate truth in His Word. . Intolerance is defined as opposing anyone's views that are not your own....